Written Materials

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Parables Part 3

The first parable to be covered in this article is “the parable of the mustard seed.” It is found in Matthew 13:31-32 and reads as follows: Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a...

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Parables Part 4

Luke, chapter 15, begins with “the parable of the lost sheep.” This parable illustrates how God views those who stumble through life without any knowledge of His true way. The parable was precipitated by an encounter Jesus had with the Pharisees. The...

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Parables Part 5

Earlier articles in this series have demonstrated that the kingdom of heaven is the same as the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is the coming world-ruling government of God that will be set up when Christ returns. In Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus gave another parable...

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Parables Part 6

Luke 14:26-33 records another important parable of Jesus. It is sometimes referred to as “the parable of the tower and warring king.” More simply, it could be called “the parable of counting the cost.” The parable is introduced by the preceding...

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Parables Part 7

“The parable of the two sons,” recorded in Matthew 21:28-32, was precipitated by a confrontation Jesus had with the chief priests and elders. They demanded to know who gave Him the authority to teach and to perform miracles (V. 23). Jesus countered them...

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Parables Part 8

“The parable of the talents” is another extremely important parable. It shows what is really required to enter the Kingdom of God. We find it in Matthew 25:14-30. For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own...

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Most Americans of Caucasian stock have little knowledge of their ancestry. At the most, they can go back no more than two or three generations. This lack of knowledge is partially responsible for the moral and spiritual decline of our civilization. In addition, the...

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Parables Part 9

“The parable of the good Samaritan” was given in response to a comment a lawyer made to Jesus. The lawyer was trying to justify his life style. Jesus had told him that in order to be saved, “. . . Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,...

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Parables Part 10

“The parable of the friend in need” is found in Luke 11:5-8. It is introduced by Jesus’ instruction on how to pray, commonly referred to as the Lord’s Prayer. After the instruction on how to pray, Jesus gives the parable: And he said unto them,...

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Artamonov, M. I. 1974. Kimmeriitsy i skify. [Cimmerians and Scythians] Leningrad: lzdatel’stvo leningradskogo universiteta. Baker, John R. 1981. Race. Athens, Georgia: Foundation for Human Understanding. Bancroft, Hubert H. 1883. The Works of Hubert Howe...

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The Hard Sayings of Jesus: Part 1

Many people who believe in Christ do not know what He really taught. They are unaware that they would not accept many of Jesus’ instructions. These are the “hard sayings” of Jesus-the teachings we will examine in this series. Even in the time of...

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The Hard Sayings of Jesus: Part 2

There is valuable instruction in Matthew, chapter five, from the “hard sayings” of Jesus. Matthew 5:33-37 considers the matter of oaths. Most professing Christians have never given it a thought, or if so, they have considered it too impractical to employ...

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The Hard Sayings of Jesus: Part 5

Matthew 11:27 may not seem like a “hard saying,” that is, difficult to understand, but it is indeed. It reads: “All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the...

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The Hard Sayings of Jesus: Part 6

Mark 8:34-35 is a “hard saying,” not because it is difficult to understand, but because it is hard to receive. Many simply cannot believe Jesus really meant what He said. The text reads: ” . . . Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and...

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The Hard Sayings of Jesus: Part 7

A “hard saying” that “goes against the grain” of many people is found in Matthew 6:24. Jesus said: “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other....

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The Hard Sayings of Jesus: Part 8

This installment begins with the parable of the “Marriage Supper,” found in Matthew 22. The parable and its meaning are explained in Part Five of the series “The Parables.” Part Five can be accessed from the home page. For the purpose of this...

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The Hard Sayings of Jesus: Part 9

Matthew 23:33 is considered a “hard saying” because many people think Jesus’ words in this text were the result of a personal vendetta against the Pharisees. Those who think so have no realization of the kind of damage of which these religious...

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The Hard Sayings of Jesus: Part 10

The final “hard saying of Jesus” to be addressed in this series is the text found in Mark 9:43-48. And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never...

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Paul on Christian Living #9

by David Kortum

Two more principles of Christian living are mentioned in First Thessalonians. The first of these is found in 1 Thessalonians 4:11–12. Some brethren in Thessalonica had too much time on their hands and were not working. While Paul addressed this problem again in 2 Thessalonians 3, he wrote the brethren, ” . . . we… Read More

Paul on Christian Living #10

by David Kortum

The gift of the Holy Spirit is not given indiscriminately. It is so precious that only those who meet the requirements of repentance and baptism can be recipients (Acts 2:38). The Apostle Paul emphasized the responsibility that falls upon the shoulders of each converted Christian who has received that gift. The evangelist Timothy was given… Read More

Paul on Christian Living #11

by David Kortum

Because it emphasizes the Priesthood of Christ, the book of Hebrews is called “The Priesthood Book”. It also contains a number of Christian living principles. An important principle is found in Hebrews 1. Paul discusses the preeminence of Christ and the importance of holding fast to the Truth that we have received. Consider what he… Read More

Paul on Christian Living #12

by David Kortum

Along with emphasizing the office of Christ as our High Priest, the book of Hebrews provides a number of Christian-living principles that must be taken seriously. In the beginning of Hebrews, the Apostle Paul stressed how great Jesus Christ really is, and the importance of the Truth and calling true Christians have received. This is… Read More

The Apostles on Christian Living #2

by David Kortum

Control of the tongue is a major problem for most people. Chapter Three of the Epistle of James addresses this issue. Control of the tongue is the indicator of self-control in almost every aspect of Christian life. James states: “My brethren, be not many [teachers], knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. For in… Read More

The Apostles on Christian Living #3

by David Kortum

Many of the Christian-living principles found in the writings of Paul and James are also found in Peter’s Epistles—those of First and Second Peter. Since the Apostles addressed their epistles to different peoples, it was necessary to teach the principles that should be common to Christians everywhere. While the Jews were allowed to continue with… Read More

The Apostles on Christian Living #4

by David Kortum

Most Bible commentators regard the Apostle John to be the youngest of the Apostles and the one who lived the longest. Since he is believed to have lived to around AD 90, his epistles reflect what was taking place in the Church near the close of the first century. Being an eyewitness of the life… Read More

The Apostles on Christian Living #5

by David Kortum

We begin this article in 1 John 4:1. John writes: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” A very important facet of Christian living calls for the ability to detect false doctrines that are being promulgated by false… Read More

Seven Signs of the True Church

by David Kortum

According to David Barrett et al., editors of the World Christian Encyclopedia: A comparative survey of churches and religions AD 30 to 2000, there are 19 major world religions which are subdivided into a total of 270 large religious groups, and many smaller ones. Of these, 34,000 separate Christian groups have been identified in the… Read More

Is Modern Pentecostalism Biblical?

by David Kortum

In its modern form, Pentecostalism has it roots in Topeka, Kansas, where in the early 1900s Charles Parham traveled through Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas teaching the theology. In 1906 William J. Seymour led the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles, and from that time it spread rapidly across the United States and the world…. Read More

Critical Events Ahead

by David Kortum

Bible students are aware that near the “time of the end” the world will be facing trouble never before seen. So precarious will this time be that Christ said: ” . . . Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved . . . ” (Matt. 24:22). The Moffatt Translation adds… Read More

Larger Earthquakes Ahead

by David Kortum

Between 1990 and 2002 there were 25,404 earthquakes worldwide. Of these, 11 were in the 8-9.9 category on the Richter Scale. The average number of quakes during this period was 2117 annually, 176 monthly, and 5.8 daily. During this same 12-year period, 2391 quakes occurred in the United States, none in the 8-9.9 category on… Read More

Why Did Christ Die?

by David Kortum

How many times have we seen billboards that read, “Christ died to save sinners.” Or bumper stickers that say, “Jesus saves”? Do most people really understand what is meant? Probably not. It is not difficult, however, to know what they mean if one is willing to examine the Scriptures. So, why did Christ die to… Read More

The Proof of Christ’s Messiahship

by David Kortum

Many believe that Christ’s signs and wonders were given to prove His Messiahship. Not so, according to the Scriptures! Christ said He would give one proof only to substantiate His Messiahship. Here it is: “Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. But he… Read More

Seven Reasons Christ Came

by David Kortum

We have often heard the expression, “Christ died to save sinners,” yet most people do not understand what it means. Simply stated, the Bible defines sin as the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4). Man by birth, and by virtue of his nature, is a sinner. Men continually transgress God’s Law-the Ten Commandments. God… Read More

Message to the Seven Churches

by David Kortum

The mysterious book of Revelation contains messages to the seven churches. Do these messages apply today? Perhaps they mean more now than what is realized.

The Folly of Wickedness

by David Kortum

The Bible says that “Folly is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom.” But is it wicked also? See for yourself the benefit for avoiding the folly of wickedness.

Can Man Be Righteous?

by David Kortum

The Bible speaks of righteous men. What made them righteous? Perhaps you have been misled in understanding this.

Is It a Sin to Drink?

by David Kortum

Does the Bible prohibit drinking alcohol? Is drinking alcohol sinful? See what the Scriptures really teach!

Is It Wrong to Hate?

by David Kortum

What is so harmful about hate? Will haters be in God’s kingdom? Does God hate? If so, what does He hate?
